About Us
Grundy Recovery Alliance Community Endeavor (GRACE) is a faith-based, non-profit recovery organization focused on providing educational programs and safe, welcoming environments to build and strengthen community, and aid recovery from disruptive life events.
GRACE is currently partnered with twenty religious organizations as well as the Grundy County Mayor’s Office, the Grundy County Sheriff’s Office, and the Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services.
Our Mission
Mobilizing individuals and organizations in the community to create a vibrant faith recovery initiative that will empower individuals to create a better life for themselves and their families and strengthen our community.
Our Vision
We envision a community that will experience recovery as real and possible by bridging the gap between the faith and recovery communities.

Peer and Community Support
12 Step Fellowship, NA Gratitude, Sober Living, Transformation Project, Celebrate Recovery, Double Trouble in Recovery, transitional recovery housing, clothing and necessities, drivers license attainment, job placement assistance, mentorship, discipleship, spiritual and financial support
Education and Training
Adult Education high school equivalency diploma preparation classes and testing
call 844-688-7944,
Nurturing creativity, soft and hard skills and knowledge development (cooking, gardening, financial/nutritional literacy, anger management, conflict resolution), paid work experience
Community Engagement
Communal spaces, interdenominational prayer groups, recovery speakers, family engagement, networking and partnership development
The Peer Support Team (PST) is responsible for developing, hosting, and maintaining recovery support meetings for individuals, families, and medication-assisted treatment (MAT) clients, with a focus on 12 step fellowship and faith based programs. PST also undertakes recovery-focused recreational, health and wellness activities.

The Pastors and Churches Support Team (PCST) is responsible for mobilizing and coordinating local church and congregation resources to offer faith based recovery support such as community and volunteers, food security, mentoring, discipleship, music programs as well as financial support.

The Programming Support Team (RST) is responsible for coordinating with the Sheriff's Office and their Re-entry and Recidivism Program, while developing and executing programs such as, and not limited to, moral reconation therapy (MRT) and wellness recovery action planning (WRAP). Additionally, RST will offer, train facilitators for, or otherwise link to organizations which offer soft and hard skill programming concerning parenting, conflict resolution and anger management, as well as coordinate with Grundy County's Board of Education on vocational/skills based opportunities, and general education development (GED) and high school equivalency (HiSET) courses.

The Everyday Living Support Team (ELST) is responsible housing, job and transportation support such as resume creation and critique, locating or offering transitional recovery housing, drivers license attainment, job placement assistance, cooking and nutrition, financial literacy, and time management.

The Administrative Operations Support Team (AOST) is responsible for the day to day operations - communications, content creation, planning and logistics, resource acquisitions and management, fundraising and grant management, maintenance, and technical support.

Contact GRACE
67 Old Highway 56, Box 307, Coalmont, TN 37313